Sunday, August 13, 2017

Iran Regime Change: A New War or Preventing One

#Iran Regime Change: A New War or Preventing One


The bipartisan passage of the sanctions bill H.R. 3364 by both houses of Congress, and the Trump administration’s approach to Iran have raised questions over the right policy toward Iran.
Meanwhile, a grand gathering of Iranians in Paris suburb on July 1st with 100,000 participants, recited the desire of millions of Iranians: regime change.
Accordingly, Iran apologists, concerned that the appeasement policy is coming to an end and the new administration may adopt a policy of regime change, have become active to portray this bloody picture that such a policy will drag America to another Middle East war.
To prove their point, they refer to the US-led invasion of Iraq or the Libya regime change campaign. Due to catastrophic consequences of Iraq’s invasion for the US and the region, this reasoning could convince many Americans that regime change policy is not the right policy.
Nonetheless, this comparison is merely aimed at exploiting a wrong policy to adopt yet another wrong policy. Sending troops and invading Iraq by the US was a wrong policy, but worse is naively comparing that failed policy to the current situation in Iran, and denying the right of Iranian people to change the tyrannical regime.

U.S. Military Action Not Needed

Contrary to what Iran apologists portray, the regime change policy means neither military invasion nor military intervention by US in Iran.
It simply means stopping the appeasement policy and recognizing the right of the Iranian people for regime change. The Iranian people and their resistance movement can and will change the regime in Iran, and ask for the US to stop standing alongside this regime.
“We reiterate and emphasize that regime change and establishment of freedom and people’s sovereignty, is solely the task and within the powers of the Iranian people and Resistance and no one else. Having relied on the suffering, struggle and endurance of this movement and this alternative, today we are most confident in the victory and liberation of our homeland” said Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of Iranian Resistance in her opening statement at a recent Interim Session of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

Obama Supported The Mullahs

For years, Iran apologists, by adopting the appeasement policy, have denied such a right for the Iranian people. In the 2009 uprising while millions of Iranians were in the streets demanding regime change, the Obamaadministration was busy exchanging letters with senior regime officials, including Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
Iranians in their street demonstrations were shouting, “Obama! Are you with us or with them?”
Obama’s response was clear. Through the appeasement policy he sided with the regime and allowed the mullahs cheat their downfall.
Now that the new administration’s policy is shifting in the right direction, the same apologists continue their support for the Iranian regime by claiming any regime change policy will lead us to another war in the Middle East.

The Evil Mullahs Rule By Terror

During their rule, the mullahs have executed more than 120,000 people for political reasons. Hundreds of thousands more have been imprisoned and tortured.
Corruption is raging throughout the ruling system while poverty has increased and reached an unprecedented level in Iran’s history. The regime has also destroyed this nation’s culture.
Due to this regime’s terrorism Iran has lost the respect it deserves in the international community.
The people of Iran have the right to change such a regime. Denying them is tantamount to suggest the Iranian people should continue suffering torture and execution under the mullahs’ regime.
“We say that the struggle of the people of Iran for regime change is legitimate, righteous and imperative. We urge you to recognize this ‘resistance against oppression.’ The same notion that is stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in France’s Declaration of Human Rights and Citizens’ Rights. This has also been stated in the American Declaration of Independence where it says, ‘whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of’ the people’s rights, ‘it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government’ of their liking.” Said Maryam Rajavi in her speech at Paris gathering.

Iran Is Unlike Iraq and Libya

Contrary to Iraq, Libya and other countries, Iran has a democratic, powerful and organized opposition with the capacity of mobilizing and organizing the people of Iran for another uprising.
The NCRI and the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI-MEK) enjoy widespread popular support inside Iran and abroad.
The NCRI has a clear democratic platform, calling for a secular republic, gender equality, no capital punishment, rights of religious and ethnic minorities and a non-nuclear Iran.
The right Iran policy is to support the NCRI. This is the only way to prevent another war in the Middle East.

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