Thursday, August 10, 2017

              #Rouhani’s cabinet comprised of torturers, executioners, #IRGC members & hostage takers

 The cabinet introduced by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to the regime’s parliament on Tuesday is a slate of Revolutionary Guards members, hostage takers, executioners and torturers who have played the most active role in wars, crackdown, massacring, exporting terrorism and fundamentalism, and killing the region’s nations.
A look at the report card of a number of Rouhani’s new ministers proves what the Iranian Resistance said in its May 20th statement following the sham presidential election. “In Rouhani’s second term massive economic and social destructions along with political suppression would continue. Rouhani neither wants, nor is able to seriously alter the foundations, structure or behavior of this historically backward regime… And indeed it should never be expected from him, who for the past 38 years has held the highest positions in the regime’s security and military apparatus in domestic suppression and war mongering. And as his rivals have noted, he was the one who called for public hanging of conspirators during Friday prayers right from the beginning.”
Mohmmad Javad Azari Jahromi, the Minister of Communications and Technology, is one of the new members of Rouhani’s cabinet. He has been a Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) agent since the age of 21, known for his interrogations, torturing and censorship. During the 2009 uprising he was appointed to the MOIS Technical Department and Director of Surveillance to control and cut off communications by the protesters. He expanded the surveillance branch, and played a special role in arresting demonstrators and quelling the uprising.
By appointing Azari Jahromi, Rouhani is desperately attempting to confront the Iranian Resistance’s growing influence amongst the Iranian people. As Deputy Minister of Communications and Technology, Jahromi said on July 17, “We are blocking 3,300 Telegram channels each week and around 13,000 each month. For two years now we have been surveilling these channels, including pornography, religious, beliefs and even political material… It is true that the channel of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) is open, and as the leader has said these people have murdered our youth. The PMOI/MEK are using Telegram and other social media platforms to quickly publish their desired material.” (Youth Journalists Club website, associated to the IRGC)
Coincidently, the director of the Working Group on Criminal Material Determination made similar remarks in this regard.
“The PMOI/MEK are freely spreading propaganda inside the country through social media and providing material for our youth? In fact, these very channels have disrupted our order… We have been humiliated in social media…” he said. (Youth Journalists Club website, associated to the IRGC)
Rouhani’s new defense minister is Amir Hatami, a member of the IRGC paramilitary Bassij with a criminal past, according to state media. He has been an active Bassij member from the early days of the mullahs’ regime, meaning at the age of around 12, and participated in crackdown and killings. He was amongst the IRGC and Bassij members who the regime ordered to enter the army to gain full control over this entity. He therefore quickly rose the army’s ranks. Hatami also played an active role in quelling, arresting and executing the army’s patriotic personnel.
Rouhani’s new defense minister also played an active role in confronting the PMOI/MEK during the 1988 Operation Eternal Light.
He had “active and effective role in the struggle against anti-revolution groups and the PMOI/MEK, along with infiltration teams in the country’s northwest and western regions,” according to state media. This is exactly why Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei sent him a letter of gratitude.
In 1999 Khamenei appointed the 32-year-old as a brigadier general and deputy army intelligence chief of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Habibollah Bitaraf is Rouhani’s new Labor Minister. He was a member of the six-man central council of the students in support of former Iranian Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini, and one of the officials in charge of raiding the US Embassy and taking its hostage in 1979. He was one of the initial organizers of the Construction Jihad foundation and a member of the IRGC who ordered Iranian children and teenagers onto minefields during the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s.
Mohammad Shariatmadari, the new Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade, has from the first days of this regime been a senior official involved in crackdown and plundering ordinary people’s assets. He played an active role in establishing and organizing the so-called “Revolution Committees” and the MOIS in 1985. He was then appointed as the Deputy Intelligence Minister.
He was also the deputy chief of supervision and accountability in Khamenei’s office, a member of the  supreme leader’s asset’s delegation, in charge of the “Setad Ejraiye Farmane Hazrate Emam" – Headquarters for Executing the Order of the Imam,” a member of the Astan Quds Hazrat Abdulazim council, and a member of the Marty Foundation Council.
The Headquarters for Executing the Order of the Iman is a massive economic cartel controlled directly by Khamenei himself. Its assets are worth $95 billion, mainly from confiscating assets belonging to regime dissidents.
Alireza Avaie is Rouhani’s new Justice Minister. During the 1988 massacre he was in charge of executions in Khuzestan Province, southwestern Iran. He replaced another executioner, Mostafa Pourmohammadi.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of #Iran      

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