Sunday, April 30, 2017

Iran Human Rights |
NCRI - The presence of Saeed Mortazavi at an election campaign event of Ebrahim Raisi in the city of Yazd, central Iran, gained widespread attention on social media.
Various social media channels in Yazd Province claimed Mortazavi had told reporters he supports Raisi’s candidacy, according to the official IRNA news agency.
“My dream is Raisi becoming president,” Mortazavi said, according to the Entekhab news website.

Do not open the bloody regime of executed political prisoners
They try to release Felonies
To condemn the massacre of political prisoners

#Iran frees Issa Saharkhiz then sentences him to one year in jail via @pressfreedom

New York, April 28, 2017--Iranian authorities should immediately drop all charges against freelance journalist Issa Saharkhiz, who was sentenced yesterday to one year in prison, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The sentence was handed down the day after Saharkhiz was released from jail on a separate charge, according to the journalist's son and his lawyer.
Mahmoud Alizadeh Tabatabaei, the journalist's attorney, told the Tasnim news agency that a court found Saharkhiz guilty of insulting former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the head of Iran's judiciary, Sadeq Larijani, and sentenced him to one year in prison.
Saharkhiz is also due to face trial on May 10 in a third case, on charges of "insulting officials," according to his attorney and the journalist's son, Mehdi Saharkhiz. The two latest charges and the sentence Saharkhiz just served relate to his 2015 arrest.

Menschenrechtsbeauftragte Kofler zu drohender Hinrichtung in #Iran

Zu Meldungen über die drohende Hinrichtung des jungen Iraners Peyman Barandah erklärte die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Menschenrechtspolitik und Humanitäre Hilfe im Auswärtigen Amt, Bärbel Kofler, heute (28.04.):

بيان تأسيس لجنة التضامن العربي الأسلامي مع المقاومة الإيرانية

في العام 2009 وبعد ما تعرّضت مدينة أشرف لأولى مجزرة بيد العاملين للنظام الإيراني وعلى أرضية تقاعس أميركا من العهد الذي قطعته مع سكّان المدينة، أسّسنا «اللجنة العربية الإسلامية للدفاع عن سكّان أشرف». منذ ذلك الوقت أقامت اللجنة اتصالات دائمة، وأصدرت بيانات، و بعثت برسائل إلى المؤسسات و الشخصيات الدولية، وأجرت لقاءات متعددة، وعقدت إجتماعات و مظاهرات و... قامت بنشاطات واسعة مع مجموعات أخرى من الخبراء و الأصدقاء والخيّرين في الدول الغربية بهدف إيصال صوت هؤلاء المقاومين الضحايا إلى آذان العالم.

واعتماداً على الصبر والتضحية والمقاومة والمثابرة من قبل سكّان أشرف وبفضل النشاطات التي قام بها آعضاء اللجنة وأصدقاء أشرف الآخرون وبفعل الجهود المخلصة من قيادة المقاومة الإيرانية وعلى رأسها السيدة مريم رجوي تم بنصر الله إنقاذ أرواح الأشرفيين ونقلهم إلى أروبا مصابين مظلومين ولكن سالمين بفضل الله ومنّه.

Iran: Reaction to Murderous Judge in Raisi's Campaign Team; Unity of Human Rights Violators!

NCRI - The presence of Saeed Mortazavi at an election campaign event of Ebrahim Raisi in the city of Yazd, central Iran, gained widespread attention on social media.
Various social media channels in Yazd Province claimed Mortazavi had told reporters he supports Raisi’s candidacy, according to the official IRNA news agency.
“My dream is Raisi becoming president,” Mortazavi said, according to the Entekhab news website.
Negative reactions have reached the point that both Raisi’s campaign and Mortazavi have issued statements denying such comments, adding Mortazavi’s participation at the event was his own personal decision.

Iran: Judiciary Dismisses Appeal of Six Kurdish Political Prisoners

NCRI - The judiciary of Urmia, northwestern Iran, dismissed an appeal filed by the lawyer of six political prisoners detained in Miyandoab Prison.
Iran’s Supreme Court upheld the Miyandoab criminal court ruling, after evaluating the case for six months without holding a single hearing or summoning witnesses.
The families of these six political prisoners had met with the Urmia judiciary officials in their request for an appeal, all to no avail.

Iran: Tehran Taxi Drivers: Candidates Focus on Not Un-Employing the Employed

NCRI - In a protest rally held on Wednesday, a group of Tehran taxi drivers gathered outside the central building of this company and protested their living conditions.
“The 123 telephone line, used by the people to call for a taxi, has been offline since Monday due to unpaid bills. Currently, we have no information about the future of this phone line,” said Mohsen, a protesting taxi driver.
“Tehran’s municipality officials and Ghalibaf himself (Tehran’s mayor and a candidate in the presidential election) have neglected our minimum requests. They are now claiming to triple people’s subsidies and create how many million jobs, but why are they not resolving our daily needs?” he continued.

Iran's First Presidential Election Debate: War of Words Between Jahangiri, Rouhani & Ghalibaf

NCRI - Candidates admit Iran suffering from bleak economic and social circumstances
The first presidential election in Iran turned into a heated debate between Eshagh Jahangiri, Hassan Rouhani and Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf.
Jahangiri lashed at Ghalibaf, saying he intends to resolve social issues through “military” tactics. Ghalibaf in return referred to Rouhani’s government as that of the “four percent”, citing he only represent the wealthy and rich.

Warning Of "Enemies" Presence in Iran's Elections
 NCRI - Mullah Ahmad Khatami, Khamenei’s representative in the Friday prayers, warned about the enemy expanding its intervention in the presidential election.
The “enemy” intends to “increasingly intervene and meddle” in these elections, he said, according to the semi-official ISNA news agency.
In reference to US administration changing its policy on Iran to an “offensive” approach he said a president must be selected to provide a strong response to the threats raised by US officials.

Canadian Measures Aimed At Iran Can Help Build A More Peaceful World

In democratic nations, groups and individuals can normally pursue their beliefs and convictions as long as they do so peacefully. In recent years, such practices have been threatened by terrorist attacks, causing fear, insecurity, anxiety and distrust especially in the Middle East, Europe and North America.
The need for peace in the world is today greater than ever. There are several initiatives which can help re-establish sustainable peace in our own countries and those around us, but the first and most important is to locate the sources of violence. Some analysts believe that ISIS, or any group that adopts terrorism as strategy and sheds innocents' blood to reach its goals, should be fought. ISIS has now proved its inhuman nature to the world repeatedly.

Middle East proxies’ ration of Iranian economy

There is a fundamental question about Iran’s economic status quo: More than one year after the lifting of international sanctions, why is the economy riddled with crises and even deteriorated in various regards?
In response to this question, Iranian affairs analysts cite various elements, including poor infrastructure, widespread corruption, political instability, numerous risks facing investments, and unfounded laws. But there are also factors created by the foreign policy choices of Iran’s theocratic government.
In this regard, one must undoubtedly take into consideration the heavy cost of Iran supporting terrorist proxy groups scattered across the Middle East. Iran’s fiscal budget bill (from March 2017 to March 2018) has allocated over 859 trillion rials (equal to $24.5 billion) for military and security affairs. This is 23 percent of the country’s general budget.

Iran’s election, and forbidden enthusiasm toward the West

With 24 remaining before Iran's presidential elections, Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali

Khamenei prohibited Iran's six presidential candidates from looking outside Iran's borders for economic development, in a public speech on April 25, 2017.
But that was exactly what was being discussed in Iran's debates. None of the candidates are openly willing to turn toward the West. However, they expressed concern for the economic problems of the nation in a way that suggested engagement with the West would be inevitable.
Vice president Eshagh Jahangiri, one of the banned candidates, recently said: “Unemployment is a challenge cloud in Iran. The unemployment rate in some regions is up to 30 percent.” He added: “this rate for women sometimes is doubled.”

Friday, April 28, 2017

Iran's first of the three election debate; continue (2)'s-first-of-the-three-election-debate;-continue-(2)

Online Conference on May 4, 2017: Iran "Election", Prospects & Consequences

Iran's Presidential Election And The Raisi Twist

Various media outlets and Iran regime elements have commented recently over the candidacy of Ebrahim Raisi, an influential cleric described as the protégé of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, pumping new life into Iran’s so-called presidential election (read selection).
Of course, this perspective in some way is considered correct. Raisi’s candidacy has caused quite a stir in the entire poll, but not as Khamenei and his apparatus initially intended.
The role Raisi played in the “Death Commission” presiding over the 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners, mostly members and supporters of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), has come into the spotlight like never before. The 1988 dossier was once considered a highly controversial matter and no senior Iranian official would raise the issue, all knowing their involvement would eventually unearth and play against their ultimate interests.

the latest major development in Iran’s presidential election came recently as the Guardian Council, the body in charge of vetting all candidates based on their loyalty to the ruling establishment, disqualified all but six, including former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Understanding the importance of this issue is vital to comprehend Iran’s future.While Ahmadinejad’s disqualification was forecasted by many, such a development stands out as unprecedented in Iranian regime history. Especially considering how he enjoyed the all-out support of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei during his two tenures from 2005 to 2013.
In 2005 Khamenei set aside former Iranian president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and engineered the polls with the Revolutionary Guards to have Ahmadinejad selected from the ballot boxes, much to the surprise of many.



Revolutionary Guard General Mohammad Bagheri, Chief of Staff of the clerical regime’s Armed Forces, once again 
acknowledged that the criminal intervention and the massacre of defenceless people of Syria and Iraq was the clerical regime's security shield. In his message to mark the anniversary of the founding of the Revolutionary Guards, he said: "Iranian Revolutionary Guards … with the support and cooperation of Islamic Resistance in Syria and Iraq have set themselves as ‘the security shield’ of the Iranian people and the whole Islamic Ummah (nation).

Iran: Telegram's Voice Calls Will Be Blocked at Least Until the End of Election

NCRI - Mohammad Montazeri, Iran’s Attorney General, showed his government’s fear of the Telegram messaging service and said, “Telegram’s voice calls will be blocked at least until the end of election. Telegram’s voice systems have been acknowledged as a security threat by all of Iran’s intelligence and security apparatus and therefore is blocked. We will also observe and act upon that portion of cyberspace that its source is located in abroad. It is obvious that our enemy wants to damage our election’s strength and well-being through cyberspace.” Montazeri said security is at all times our top priority and we will not allow this security to be endangered through some networks.

Struan Stevenson: Iran Regime Is Very Weak and Rotten, Teetering on the Edge of a Cliff
While reciting his interesting and valuable memories of a struggle alongside the Iranian Resistance in past years, Struan Stevenson President of the European Iraqi Freedom Association and former chair of Friends of a Free Iran Intergroup in European Parliament, attended several Meetings with the Iranian communities in Germany on the period of April 20 – 24, and through his ample speeches described and analysed the latest political situation in the region and Iran, the following are excerpts of his speeches.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

عدم رسیدگی پزشكي به زندانی سیاسی
روز یکشنبه 3 اردیبهشت، حمید بابایی، زندانی سیاسی محبوس در زندان رجایی شهر، به دنبال درد شدید در ناحیه قفسه سینه به بهداری زندان منتقل و بدون معاینه و رسیدگی درمانی مناسب به بند بازگردانده شده است.
این وضعیت و عدم رسیدگی پزشکی در حالی است که مسئولین بهداری از معاینه و رسیدگی پزشکی به وضعیت وی خودداری و تنها به تجویز سه عدد قرص آ.اس.آ که تاریخ گذشته بوده است، اکتفا کرده‌اند.
همچنین همسر این زندانی سیاسی اعلام کرده است که مسئولیت جان همسرش به عهده مسئولین قوه قضاییه و وزارت اطلاعات می‌باشد.
حمید بابایی از مردادماه سال ۹۲ بدون هیچ‌گونه مرخصی در زندان رجایی شهر محبوس است. مسئولین قضایی و وزارت اطلاعات علیرغم واجد شرایط بودن این زندانی سیاسی برای اخذ آزادی مشروط، از موافقت با آن امتناع می‌کنند. این در حالی است که وی بیش از ۱۰۰۰ روز در زندان بوده است.
حمید بابایی، دانشجوی دکترای فاینانس دانشگاه لیژ بلژیک، روز ۲۲ مرداد ١٣۹٢، اندکی پس از ورود به ایران برای دیدار خانواده توسط وزارت اطلاعات احضار و بازداشت شد. بازداشت او پس‌ازآن صورت گرفت که حمید بابایی درخواست نیروهای امنیتی برای همکاری با وزارت اطلاعات و فعالیت در بلژیک را رد کرد. او بلافاصله پس از بازداشت به سلول انفرادی در زندان اوین منتقل شد، بابایی ٢٠ روز در انفرادی بند ٢۴٠ گذرانده و بعدازآن به بند ٢٠۹ منتقل و نهایتاً بعد از تحمل ٣۵ روز انفرادی در تاریخ ٢۷ شهریورماه ۱۳۹۲ وارد بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوین شد.

وحید صیادی‌نصیری، زندانی سیاسی، علیرغم تهدید شدن به «مرگ» از سوی یکی از زندانیان بند چهار، همچنان در این بند نگهداری می‌شود و مسئولین از انتقال وی به بندهای دیگر خودداری می‌کنند.
این زندانی سیاسی که برخلاف اصل تفکیک جرائم در بند چهار زندان اوین محبوس است، طی هفته‌های اخیر مکرراً از سوی یکی از زندانیان عادي در این بند مورد تهدید جانی قرار گرفته است.
لازم به یادآوری است، وحید صیادی‌نصیری، ۲۶ بهمن‌ماه، از سوی دو تن از زندانیان جرائم خطرناک مورد ضرب و شتم و هتاکی قرار گرفت و از ناحیه گردن آسیب دید. وی به دنبال این واقعه، از تاریخ ۲۷ بهمن در اعتراض به نگهداری‌اش دربند چهار زندان اوین، دست به اعتصاب غذا زد
تاکنون بارها با مسئولین زندان در خصوص انتقالش به بند زندانیان سیاسی صحبت و اعتراض خود را نسبت به وضعیت موجود اعلام کرده است؛ بااین‌حال مسئولین زندان تاکنون واکنشی به درخواست وی نداشته و در خصوص انتقال او به بند زندانیان سیاسی اقدامی نکرده‌اند.
وحید صیادی‌نصیری در تابستان ۹۴ نیز به اتهام فعالیت‌های فیس‌بوکی بازداشت شده بود و با قرار وثیقه آزاد شد.

منعطف في الأزمة السورية

أثار القصف الكيماوي الاجرامي الأسدي على خان شيخون وقتل الأطفال والمدنيين الأبرياء، ردود أفعال شديدة في المجتمع الدولي. وأكد ركس تيلرسون وزير الخارجية الأمريكي:« من الواضح لنا أن حكم عائلة الأسد يقترب من النهاية ولا دور للأسد آو عائلته في مستقبل الحكم السوري».
زيارة وزير الخارجية الآمريكي لروسيا وتصريحاته بعد اجتماع وزراء خارجية مجموعة السبع في توسكانا الإيطالية قبل سفره متوجها إلى موسكو تبين أن الأزمة السورية بعد قصف أهم قاعدة عسكرية للأسد قد دخلت نقطة عطف جدية وجديدة تغلق طريق العودة الى السابق. وكان تيلرسون قد قال قبل توجه الى موسكو « نأمل أن تخلص الحكومة الروسية إلى أنها ربطت نفسها بتحالف مع شريك غير جدير بالثقة؛ متمثلاً في بشار الأسد»، مبيناً أن «تحالفات روسيا مع الأسد وإيران وحزب الله لا تخدم مصلحتها، ويجب عليها التحالف مع أمريكا وآخرين».

الصراع مع إيران ينتهي باتفاق شبيه بالنووي؟

تصعيد الموقف الأميركي من إيران لا يصدر حتى الآن عن استراتيجية واضحة. وجاءت جولة وزير الدفاع جيمس ماتيس على المنطقة لتحيي علاقات فترت أيام إدارة الرئيس باراك أوباما. لكنها بدت في جانب أساس منها سعياً إلى بناء تحالف متين لمواجهة تمدد الجمهورية الإسلامية في الإقليم. وسبقها طلب الرئيس دونالد ترامب من أركان إدارته مراجعة الاتفاق النووي. طلب يستجيب رغبته في الوفاء بوعوده الانتخابية أكثر منه التمهيد لإلغائه أو القدرة على ذلك. فوزير دفاعه اعترف بأن الاتفاق يُطبق. لكن طهران تواصل نشاطات مختلفة في اليمن وتدعم الرئيس بشار الأسد، على حد تعبيره. وكانت قواته نفذت غارة صاروخية على قاعدة جوية سورية. وحركت قبل ذلك بعض قطع الأسطول إلى البحر الأحمر لحماية الملاحة، على وقع تصريحات تؤكد الحرص على استقرار شبه الجزيرة العربية من تمدد إيران وتعديات ميليشياتها الحوثية وشركائها. تعكس هذه المواقف والتحركات استعجال واشنطن إطلاق المواجهة مع طهران التي أدرجتها في المقام الثاني لسلم أولوياتها بعد الحرب على الإرهاب.

ماذا بعد..؟

مع بدء الاستعدادات للانتخابات الرئاسية الإيرانية الثانية عشرة -التي ستعقد في 19 مايو/أيار القادم- تتزايد الأسئلة حول مشهد السياسة الداخلية، وطبيعة التنافس بين القوى الاجتماعية والسياسية حول مجمل القضايا السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية.
وفي ظل هذا الجدل تحتل علاقات إيران الخارجية مساحة حقيقية بالنظر إلى تأثيرات تلك العلاقات على المشهد الداخلي، وقدرة النظام السياسي على التعامل مع التحديات الداخلية، لا سيما الاقتصادية منها التي يرتبط حل معظمها بسلوك إيران السياسي في المنطقة والعالم.
وتسعى هذه المقالة للإجابة على جملة من التساؤلات المتعلقة بالعلاقات الخارجية من قبيل: هل يختلف المحافظون والإصلاحيون في مقاربتهم لقضايا المنطقة وللعلاقات الخارجية من قبيل التدخل في سوريا ولبنان والعراق واليمن والعلاقات مع تركيا والسعودية وأميركا؟ وهل توجد رؤية مختلفة عن السائد في هذا السياق وما مدى حضورها؟

Iran: Telegram's Voice Calls Will Be Blocked at Least Until the End of Election

NCRI - Mohammad Montazeri, Iran’s Attorney General, showed his government’s fear of the Telegram messaging service and said, “Telegram’s voice calls will be blocked at least until the end of election. Telegram’s voice systems have been acknowledged as a security threat by all of Iran’s intelligence and security apparatus and therefore is blocked. We will also observe and act upon that portion of cyberspace that its source is located in abroad. It is obvious that our enemy wants to damage our election’s strength and well-being through cyberspace.” Montazeri said security is at all times our top priority and we will not allow this security to be endangered through some networks.

Iran: 70% of Factories Have Been Shut Down in Iran

NCRI - Chairman of the House of Industry Mines and Trade of Iran, Wahab Sahlabadi, said that "only 30 percent of manufacturing units in Iran are active and the remaining 70 percent have been closed or are operating well below capacity."
According to the terrorist Quds Force news agency, known as Tasnim, Seyyed Abdul Wahab Sahlabadi, pointed out that debt of manufacturing units in Iran is getting heavier and no one thinks about a strategy in this area, and said: "Today in total 30% of production units are active that shows that 70 percent of the production units closed or are operating well below capacity.”

Iran Election: What Is The Message Of Ahmadinejad’s Disqualification? Read more:

the latest major development in Iran’s presidential election came recently as the Guardian Council, the body in charge of vetting all candidates based on their loyalty to the ruling establishment, disqualified all but six, including former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Understanding the importance of this issue is vital to comprehend Iran’s future.
While Ahmadinejad’s disqualification was forecasted by many, such a development stands out as unprecedented in Iranian regime history. Especially considering how he enjoyed the all-out support of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei during his two tenures from 2005 to 2013.
In 2005 Khamenei set aside former Iranian president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and engineered the polls with the Revolutionary Guards to have Ahmadinejad selected from the ballot boxes, much to the surprise of many.

Read more:

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

البحرين تخترق خلايا إيران الإرهابية

قراءة الدكتور عبدالرزاق بن عبدالعزيز المرجان
ها هي مملكة البحرين، مملكة الأمن والأمان، تسير على النهج السعودي الحازم والأنموذج الدولي في مكافحة الإرهاب، وتقدم عاماً نموذجياً في مكافحة الإرهاب الإيراني. وتعرض أدلة ذات موثوقية ومصداقية لتثبت للعالم ارتباط إيران والحرس الثوري الإيراني بدعم وإدارة الإرهاب، وزعزعة الأمن والسلم الدوليين.
وكانت نتيجة دقة الأدلة ومصداقيتها، هي إدراج أمريكا للبحرينيين أحمد حسن يوسف وسيد مرتضى مجيد رمضان على قائمة الإرهابيين الدوليين، بناء على الأمر التنفيذي (13224) الذي يفرض عقوبات على الأشخاص الأجانب الذين ارتكبوا أو يشكلون خطرا جدياً بارتكاب أعمال إرهابية تهدد أمن المواطنين الأمريكيين أو الأمن القومي.
استهان الإيرانيون بقوة البحرين ورجالها، فجاءها الرد المزلزل من مملكة البحرين بقيادة ملكها الواثق حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة ووزير داخليتها الفريق الركن الشيخ راشد بن عبدالله آل خليفة بقطع أيادي الميليشيات الإرهابية الإيرانية.