Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Iran: Call to Save Political Prisoner Mr. Mohammad Ali Mansouri

The Iranian Resistance warns about the plot against the life of political prisoner Mohammad Ali (Pirouz) Mansouri, and calls on all international human rights organizations for an urgent and effective action to save his life.
Sunday morning, April 23, henchmen raided Section 4, Hall 12 of Gohardasht prison in Karaj and transferred political prisoner Mohammad Ali Mansouri to an unknown location. He was a political prisoner in the 80’s and a family member of Mojahedin. He was arrested in Tehran in September 2007 for taking part in ceremonies commemorating the prisoners massacred in 1988, charged with "supporting the PMOI" and "propaganda against the regime and collusion with intent to act against state security", and sentenced to 15 years in prison and exile. He suffers from various diseases such as hepatitis and gastrointestinal diseases and most of the time has been deprived from necessary medical treatment and care.

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