Sunday, July 2, 2017

‘Condition Trade With Iran on Human Rights’

As the international community rightfully focuses on Iran’s meddling in #Syria, #Iraq and  #Yemen (in addition to its ballistic missile belligerence), one aspect that should remain under the spotlight is Tehran’s atrocious human rights violations.
Congress and the Trump administration are turning up the heat on Iran already. Concurrently, 265 members of the European Parliament issued a joint statement on Monday expressing their grave concerns about the mullahs’ “human rights violations, repression of women and minorities and the Iranian regime’s support of terrorism.

Rouhani’s minister of justice is a self-confessed murderer who was a member of the Death Committee, ordering the executions of over 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, mostly from the main opposition #PMOI,” the statement reads.
The PMOI is the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, also known as the #MEK, the largest member of the Paris-based political coalition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).
NCRI President #Maryam Rajavi enjoys widespread EP support and raising attention about Iran’s atrocious record of executions has always been on her agenda

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