July 14th marks two years of a controversial nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (#JCPOA), brokered between the international community, represented by the five permanent members of the #United Nations Security Council – #China, #France, #Russia, #United Kingdom and #United States – and #Germany, with #Iran.
are we now? Has Iran changed for the better? Or has Tehran taken
advantage of the Obama administration’s concessions to further advance
their domestic crackdown, foreign meddling and nuclear/ballistic missile
are now at a crucial juncture. The Trump administration is currently
weighing all options, including regime change, in their evaluation of a
comprehensive Iran policy. As wars in various countries and appeasement
with Iran have all proved disastrous, regime change by supporting the
Iranian people and their organized opposition is the best viable option.
The pro-deal camp described Iranian President #Hassan Rouhani
as a “reformist” and decided to neglect the massive wave of executions
launched during his first tenure. The Iran nuclear deal gave a green
light to #Tehran, leading to over 3,000 executions during Rouhani’s first term as president
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