Monday, July 17, 2017

Iran: 117 prisoners to be executed within a month

117 prisoners are going to be hanged within a month in #Gohardasht Prison of Karaj, west of Tehran, according to prisoners’ families and informed sources inside jails.
The families of some inmates who were transferred to solitary confinement during the past few days in preparation for their executions, referred to Gohardasht Prison to have a last visit with their loved ones.
According to these families, 13 inmates are going to be executed, soon. A large group of death row prisoners’ families held a protest on Tuesday July 11, in front of this facility.
Some prisoners said that their families had heard from the prison authorities that 117 people are going to be executed before the holy month of Muharram. For this reason, the “execution days” have been increased from once a week on Wednesdays to twice a week on Sundays and Wednesdays.
At least eight prisoners were executed on Sunday, July 2. Some had been transferred from #Ghezelhesar Prison. The victims had not been named by the state media.
Iran Human Rights Monitor urges all international human rights advocates and organizations to take urgent action to prevent these executions in #Iran.

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