Sunday, July 9, 2017

What terrifies Iran the most?

The annual Iranian resistance gathering took place on July 1, 2017. Over 100,000 members of the Iranian Diaspora from all over the world participated in the event. In addition to #Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of Iranian resistance as the keynote speaker, many prominent personalities form all over the world also delivered speeches. The main message of the meeting and its speakers was that the time has come for regime change in Iran.
In previous years, Iran, by putting a media blackout over the event, would ignore the resistances’ gathering. There is a well-known policy in Iran that publishing the name, picture or any news of Rajavi and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of #Iran (#PMOI/MEK), the main opposition of Iran, is a red line and prohibited. But this year, in an unprecedented manner this red line was ignored and in only three days over 500 news reports about the gathering were published in state run media, reflected the Iranian regime’s unprecedented fear.
The visit by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to France topped Tehran’s reaction to the event. Just a day prior Zarif went to Paris for the signing of a $5 billion dollar contract with the French oil giant Total.
The main purpose of Zarif’s trip was to ask the French government to cancel the resistance’s annual gathering, according to Iranian state media. One outlet even claimed the entire convention had been cancelled.
“In our talks with the French officials we raised the issue of the MEK and their presence as a vague point in our relationship,” Zarif said while departing France.

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