Sunday, May 7, 2017

Iran IRGC establishing supply lines for Assad through Mosul - See more at:

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) is establishing a number of bases in Mosul in northern Iraq where its Quds Force officers are stationed alongside members of the Iraqi Hashid al-Sha’bi (Popular Mobilization Units). These forces are on the verge of establishing supply lines for Bashar Assad in Syria.
The Shiite militias established following a fatwa issued by leading religious leaders in Iraq are known as Hashid al-Sha’bi. These units have been able to retake a large portion of Iraq from ISIS control and their ranks and files enjoy vast support from Iran.
The IRGC Quds Force is behind the organization of these numerous bases in Mosul, according to Asharq al-Awsat. Dozens of Quds Force-linked military and political sites have been opened in eastern Mosul, with Iranian officers visiting continuously.
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