Sunday, May 21, 2017

Rouhani's 2nd Term Deepens Rift Within the Regime, Intensifies Mullahs' Crisis and Power Struggle

  • Khamenei’s heavy defeat in manipulating election is an indication of an end to the regime
  • Crisis at the top of the religious fascism will continue until its downfall
  • Rouhani neither wants, nor is able to alter regime’s foundations and behavior; massive economic and social destruction, crackdown and repression will persist
NCRI - Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, described the mullahs’ regime at the end of its sham presidential election, as a divided regime that has been gravely weakened by its internal power struggle. She added: Rouhani’s second term would only entail growing crisis and a more intense power struggle. Crisis has precipitated at the leadership level of the religious fascism and would continue until the downfall of the regime of the velayat-e faqih (absolute rule of clergy). The heightening power struggle is a reflection of the regime’s strategic failure in resolving the most pressing social problems and growing discontent.

Mrs. Rajavi said: In the current critical domestic, regional and international circumstances, for Khamenei it is crucial to make the medieval regime monolithic in order to face the crises and maintain the regime’s balance. Therefore, Khamenei’s failure to manipulate the election result to bring Raisi out of the ballot box and make the regime monolithic is a heavy blow for him and a sign of the regime’s approaching demise. The election campaign this time attracted greater public attention to the 1988 massacre of political prisoners right from the beginning. Public outrage against Raisi over his role in the massacre and the regime’s fear of the campaign which seeks justice for the victims reached an extent that many clerics and

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