Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Iran: Medical sabotage of Atena Daemi on 22nd day of hunger strike

After 22 days of hunger strike by the imprisoned civil rights activist Atena Daemi, the director of Evin Prison's dispensary issued a false report on her health. In addition, prison authorities have not taken any action about her physical problems.
A close associate of the Daemi family said: “Atena has a consistent feeling of nausea and cannot even drink water very much. Her blood pressure continues to fluctuate. She feels very weak and suffers from kidney, heart and abdominal pain."
According to this person, "The director of the prison's dispensary has issued a false report about Atena's physical condition, indicating that she did not have any medical problems. The report sharply contradicted the diagnoses of the dispensary's physician. When Atena voiced her protest (to the report), she was accused of lying.”

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