Sunday, June 11, 2017

Canada mulls putting Iran's Revolutionary Guards on its terror list
The recent barbaric events in London, Paris, and Manchester highlighted the reality that the need for peace in the world is today greater than ever.  Count the number of people killed in recent terrorist attacks, and plot the curve to get a clear and horrible picture of what has happened.
A few years ago Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified before a Senate committee that the world is "more dangerous than it has ever been."
It highlights the need to look for and locate the first and most important source of violence: the mullah-led regime in Iran.
One place worth looking at right now is Canada, where the regime's minions are active, the Canadian public is growing aware of this, and the country's lawmakers are getting around to finding ways to sanction the mullahs for their state sponsorship of terrorism.
That is why we see new interest from Canada in taking measures against Iran, according to one editorialist.
The Senate of Canada is considering a private member's bill (S-219) declaring that "this enactment provides for an ongoing analysis of the incidence of terrorist activity, support of terrorism, incitement to hatred, and human rights violations, emanating from Iran, the identification of Iranian officials who are responsible for such activities and the strengthening of Canada's non-nuclear sanctions regime against Iran[.]"

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