Sunday, June 18, 2017

London, 20 May - The corrupt Iranian system is weaker than it has ever been following the sham presidential election. Internal disputes prove that the regime is divided and is beyond repair.
The President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, said that a second term for Hassan Rouhani will not bring any change to Iran. The regime will continue to supress the people and its failure at resolving the social problems in the country will become more and more evident.
Mrs. Rajavi said: “Crisis has precipitated at the leadership level of the religious fascism and would continue until the downfall of the regime of the velayat-e faqih (absolute rule of clergy).”
She also said that discontent is growing in the country and more and more people are standing up and speaking out against the leadership. This was evident over the past few days when dissidents risked imprisonment, arrest, torture and even execution to display posters across the country urging people to abstain from voting in the sham elections. They also called for the overthrow of the regime.
Mrs. Rajavi said that Supreme Leader Khamenei feels that the only way the country’s crises can be dealt with is through medieval measures that have no place in society today. Also, the fact that he was unable to manipulate the results of the election so that Raisi won is a major blow to his authority.

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